Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Fighting boredom...

There are many things one can do to fight boredom... i.e. start up a blog.

But if you find yourself in the painful grasp of ultimate boredom and begin to irritate everyone around you...

Try and bite your own butt cheeks... that should keep you busy, entertained and entertaining to those around you.

Saturday, 23 February 2008

One more...

Next time you have your cake... Go ahead and fucking eat it.

Don't let any miserable, jealous bastard spoil it for you.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008


If you feel let down by your god...

Why not try a different one? There's hundreds - if not thousands - to chose from.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Avoid looking like a country bumpkin.

In order to avoid looking like a country bumpkin... try - when you are surprised by something you might secretly find rather amazing - to look not impressed, verging on boredom.

What helps me achieve this is to think the mantra of the great sage S Twain 'That don't impress'a me much'. Repeat it to yourself.

Monday, 18 February 2008


If you want to disappear from a crowd... simply dull yourself and slightly hunch your shoulders. Trust me hardly anyone will see you.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Wetting yourself...

I was wondering what would be the worst material to wet yourself in...

This is all theoretical, let's make this clear!

I believe that it would either be Denim (Jeans) or Suede. Both would be going sooooooo cold so quickly, all cardboardy and sticking to your body in that uncomfortable and reminding way...

Thursday, 14 February 2008


When plotting to kill a Ninja, always overestimate.

Welcome to my Pearls of Wisdom...

Greetings reader.

Doubt you got here purposefully, more like an accident.

Here I shall be publishing thoughts, advice and other deep meaningful and helpful things.

